Evolving by immersing.
Client: Tante Louise
Flex-workers are becoming more and more common in care homes. The workload for the normal caregivers is becoming too big, especially now, in a global pandemic. This is why naturally flex-workers, who are usually not highly educated in the field of caregiving, are being called upon to help out to be able to shoulder the workload. However, these people are not always able to easily reach the correct information of which patient needs what kind of care. If they are able to, it usually takes quite some precious time.
In this project the needs and wishes of flex-workers within an elderly care home were analysed. In this multi-disciplinary project the focus lays on both visual and graphic design, as well as design thinking and problem analysis. In phase one of this project, pictograms are designed that represent actions or wishes from the patient (e.g. can walk independently, need crutches). These pictograms are printed on magnets and put into the patient’s room, so the flex-workers can easily and quick get the right information for the job. This way, no precious time is lost and the patient is assured of correct and reliable care!
In coming phases, smarter and more seamless applications for the transfer of this informations are being researched.